Articles & Advice » Reading time: 6mins
Joint partnership to advance manufacturing in Australia
With co-investment from the IMCRC and Swinburne University of Technology, Sleep Corp®, a proudly Australian owned manufacturing company, is pleased to announce a joint partnership to advance manufacturing in Australia. A total project investment of approximately $2.2 million over two years. Today manufacturing is defined by speed, quality, flexibility and customisation. Driven, in what has become known as the fourth industrial revolution or... -
Jet Lag - the why's and effects of it
What causes Jet Lag? Jet lag occurs when you fly across one or more time zones. Daylight plays an important role in our body’s natural biological clock or circadian rhythm, affecting the release of Melatonin which tells us when we should go to sleep and wake up. Jet lag occurs because our body's circadian rhythm has not had time to synchronise to the change in time...